

Welcome to the Taxdoo API! You can use our API to send us new order data, upload purchase prices and monitor your distance selling thresholds.

You must provide a content-type header on each POST or PUT request. Unless otherwise specified, each call accepts and responds only with JSON. The content-type header is therefore "application/json". Always use UTF-8 as encoding.

We validate your request payload on every single request. If your payload is faulty, the response will contain validation errors with details.

Some fields appear on almost every response of our API. These fields are found in the SimpleResponse model.

We have set up a sandbox environment that you can use to develop your application. Read more about this in the Endpoints section.

Getting started

First read the following Authentication section.

If you want to send us transactions, please read first the Transactions section for general notes about our understanding and handling of your transactions. Then you have multiple options:

Some other possible actions on our API:

Rate Limiting

Our API is equipped with a rolling window rate limiter. That means, the remaining calls do not reset e.g. every 60 seconds, but are limited over a period of time.

Example for a period of 60 seconds and a limit of 20 calls:

Our current rate limits are:

We may modify the call limit or the period in the future.

We return the following headers on each request that counted towards the limit:

When you exceeded the limit, we respond with a 429 Too Many Requests and include a Retry-After header, which holds the amount of seconds until a new call can be made.

Only calls who passed authentication and input validation do count towards the call limit. Note that calls that failed for any other reason count towards the limit, even when we responded with 429 Too Many Requests. That means, once the limit is reached, sending consecutively new requests that fail with 429 Too Many Requests will prevent your limit from recovering.

Our sandbox and our live system are rate limited separately.


Endpoint for our live system:

Endpoint for our sandbox:

The sandbox environment has the same calls and uses the same API tokens, but has a separate underlying database and a separate rate limiter. Therefore you can test your calls in development on our sandbox without affecting the rate limits of your production system.

Please note that we do not analyze your transactions in the sandbox, therefore your GET /thresholds calls will return an empty result. This also applies to the GET /registrations call.


A personal API token is required for all API paths. The API token can be obtained from the Taxdoo Dashboard under Settings → API. The token has a maximum length of 1024 characters and is valid for about 1 year.

The token must be provided within the AuthToken header:

AuthToken: <Token>

Get current account

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "account": ""

Use this simple call to retrieve the email address of the current account. It requires no parameters and is therefore the right choice to test if your token works.

HTTP Request

GET /account


Field Type Description Constraints
account string The email of the account your token belongs to. format email

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.

Authentication with OAuth

For some endpoints this API requires OAuth for authentication. At this moment we only support the client credentials authentication method.

HTTP Request


HTTP headers

Header Value Description
Authorization Basic "clientID:clientSecret" encoded with Base64
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded


The payload must be grant_type=client_credentials.


Field Type Description
access_token string The access token
expires_in integer Expiry of the access token in seconds
token_type string Always "Bearer"

You may now use the following header to authenticate against endpoints with OAuth authentication:

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

For operations that are related to a particular client, you must additionally provide the Client-Identifier header with the ID of client:

Client-Identifier: 1234


A transaction represents the sale or the refund of one or multiple products of one single product type. A transaction has properties like payment and departure dates, transactions identifiers, quantity, description, item price, shipping price etc.

We identify transactions by a set of identifiers from a Platform object. Each transaction must have a channel Platform object and an optional source Platform object. The channel is required because it represents the actual platform where the sale occurred, e.g. Amazon, eBay or the own webshop, while the source object represents the data source from which the transaction was imported. Usually this is the ERP the merchant uses, e.g. Plentymarkets. If the source is not provided, we use the fields of the channel object to identify the transaction, otherwise we use the source fields.

This identifier set is used to avoid duplicates, i.e. inserting the same transaction multiple times has the same effect as inserting it only once. This also allows us to take transactions both from ERP Systems like Plentymarkets and directly from marketplaces like Amazon and eBay, while still be able to find these transactions on both platforms. This also allows you to push the same data multiple times into our API without having to worry about duplicates.

Be still careful not to mix the same data from different sources, e.g. do not insert transactions from an ERP (which includes Amazon transactions) along with transactions directly from Amazon, as the used identifier set will differ (source is used for the ERP transactions while the transactions directly from Amazon only include a channel).

Important: When inserting Refunds, take care of using the same channel and source objects like the underlying sale, but with a refundNumber set, i.e. transactionNumber, identifier, itemNumber and itemPosition must match both on channel and source (if provided). We only process refunds that are matchable with an underlying sale.

All your provided monetary amounts are summed up to the total_value field available in the GET /transactions response, i.e. if a discount should reduce the item_price for a sale, the discount field value must be negative. Also, we directly adopt your monetary amount values for refunds, that means, you must provide negated monetary amount values for refunds. For example, itemPrice and shipping are negative and discount (reducing the refund) is positive. There is no validation if the monetary amounts are appropriate for the given transaction type.

We automatically create a warehouse for each unknown senderAddress.

You need to provide all monetary amounts as gross values. If you provide a valid buyerVatNumber, we will handle the transaction as B2B. For transactions that are taxable before 2020, we will validate the buyerVatNumber with a simple regular expression. Starting from January 2020, we will check the buyerVatNumber against VIES in order to comply with the VAT Quick fixes. You can read more about that in our Blog (available in German and English).

The processing of submitted transactions / orders / refunds is delayed. The distance selling thresholds and reports of the current year and reporting period are usually updated on the next day. If the evaluation results of earlier years or reporting periods should be updated, please contact us.

If you add orders, refunds or transactions that would be taxable in any already closed period (i.e. we completed the reports for the period) the API returns a warning. We will not process transactions that are submitted too late until explicitly unlocked by us. It is important that you submit all transactions of a period until the 3rd of the following month, at 23:59.

Add Transactions

Example payload:

  "transactions": [
      "type": "Sale",
      "channel": {
        "identifier": "EBY",
        "transactionNumber": "31415926",
        "itemNumber": "1234345"
      "source": {
        "identifier": "PLTY",
        "transactionNumber": "7812378",
        "itemNumber": "9823490"
      "paymentDate": "2017-04-05T14:03:55Z",
      "sentDate": "2017-04-05T14:35:41Z",
      "deliveryAddress": {
        "fullName": "John Johnson",
        "street": "Wall Street 3",
        "zip": "12345",
        "city": "Kings Landing",
        "state": "",
        "country": "DE"
      "billingAddress": {
        "fullName": "Frank Smith",
        "street": "Ocean Drive 22",
        "zip": "12345",
        "city": "London",
        "state": "",
        "country": "PL"
      "senderAddress": {
        "fullName": "Mustershop24",
        "street": "Westring 32",
        "zip": "987654",
        "city": "München",
        "state": "Bayern",
        "country": "DE"
      "quantity": 2,
      "productIdentifier": "sku123",
      "description": "T-Shirt white",
      "transactionCurrency": "EUR",
      "itemPrice": 59.8

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "insertedRows": 30

Before you start, make sure you have read and understood the Transactions section.

Use this call to send us your transactions. Take care about sending us only completed orders, because updating transactions afterwards is much more costly and could violate the principles of proper accounting.

HTTP Request

POST /transactions


Field Type Description Constraints
transactions Transaction[] Array of transactions. 1-1000


Field Type Description Constraints
insertedRows integer The number of inserted rows for checking purposes

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.

Upload Csv Transactions

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "insertedRows": 30

With this call you can upload csv files with our data schema. The first row must be the header. The columns are specified in the CsvTransaction model. The content-type header must equal "text/csv".

You can upload files with up to 5000 lines per call.

HTTP Request

POST /transactions/csv

Query Parameters

Field Type Description Constraints
delimiter string the delimiter of your CSV file (defaults to ";") length 1
reject_on_duplicate boolean If set to true, the API will reject the CSV file if it detects duplicate transactions within it.
reject_not_matchable_refunds boolean If set to true, the API will reject the CSV file if it contains refunds that can neither be matched to sales within the CSV file, or to sales within our systems.


Use the CSV as request body with rows fulfilling the schema CsvTransaction.


Field Type Description Constraints
insertedRows integer The number of inserted rows for checking purposes

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.

Get Transactions

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "transactions": [
      "type": "Sale",
      "channel": {
        "identifier": "EBY",
        "transactionNumber": "31415926",
        "itemNumber": "1234345"
      "source": {
        "identifier": "PLTY",
        "transactionNumber": "7812378",
        "itemNumber": "9823490"
      "paymentDate": "2017-04-05T14:03:55Z",
      "sentDate": "2017-04-05T14:35:41Z",
      "deliveryAddress": {
        "fullName": "John Johnson",
        "street": "Wall Street 3",
        "zip": "12345",
        "city": "Kings Landing",
        "state": "",
        "country": "DE"
      "billingAddress": {
        "fullName": "Frank Smith",
        "street": "Ocean Drive 22",
        "zip": "12345",
        "city": "London",
        "state": "",
        "country": "PL"
      "senderAddress": {
        "fullName": "Mustershop24",
        "street": "Westring 32",
        "zip": "987654",
        "city": "München",
        "state": "Bayern",
        "country": "DE"
      "quantity": 2,
      "productIdentifier": "sku123",
      "description": "T-Shirt white",
      "transactionCurrency": "EUR",
      "itemPrice": 59.8

Retrieve transactions by filter.

During the insertion of transactions, orders and refunds, the source and channel fields are transformed into primary and secondary fields. If only the channel object is provided, the fields from the channel are used as primary fields. Otherwise, the source fields are used as primary fields, while the channel fields are assigned to the secondary fields.

HTTP Request

GET /transactions

Query Parameters

Field Type Description Constraints
primary_platform string The primary platform identifier, e.g. AFN/MFN for Amazon or PLTY for Plentymarkets (See Platform Abbreviations) length ≤10
primary_transaction_number string-array The transaction number of the primary platform alphanumeric, underscore, hyphen, separated by comma
primary_refund_number string-array The refund number of the primary platform. Please use this in combination with primary_transaction_number, as it is significantly faster. alphanumeric, underscore, hyphen, separated by comma
secondary_platform string The secondary platform identifier, e.g. AFN/MFN for Amazon or EBY for eBay (See Platform Abbreviations) length ≤10
secondary_transaction_number string-array The transaction number of the secondary platform alphanumeric, underscore, hyphen, separated by comma
secondary_refund_number string-array The refund number of the secondary platform. Please use this in combination with secondary_transaction_number, as it is significantly faster alphanumeric, underscore, hyphen, separated by comma
payment_date_from string Returns only transactions which were paid after the specified date-time. date-time in RFC3339 format
payment_date_until string Returns only transactions which were paid before the specified date-time. date-time in RFC3339 format
sent_date_from string Returns only transactions which were sent after the specified date-time. date-time in RFC3339 format
sent_date_until string Returns only transactions which were sent before the specified date-time. date-time in RFC3339 format
inserted_from string Returns only transactions which were inserted after the specified date-time. date-time in RFC3339 format
inserted_until string Returns only transactions which were inserted after the specified date-time. date-time in RFC3339 format
calculated_from string Returns only transactions for which our results were calculated exactly on or after the specified date-time (>=). date-time in RFC3339 format
calculated_until string Returns only transactions for which our results were calculated before the specified date-time. date-time in RFC3339 format
type string Filter by the transaction type. one of Sale, Refund
period string Only transactions where the tax date is within the specified period are returned. Only allowed in combination with the with_results param. No other date params must be set to use this param. YYYY-MM
with_results boolean If true, the results of our analysis are returned.
valid boolean If set, only transactions with the isValid field set to this value are returned.
limit int The maximum number of items to display. Smaller value results in faster response. 1-100
page int The page to retrieve. 1-1000


Field Type Description Constraints
transactions Transaction[] The result array of transactions ≤1000

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.

Update Transactions

Example payload:

  "transactions": [
      "id": 123,
      "type": "Sale",
      "channel": {
        "identifier": "EBY",
        "transactionNumber": "31415926",
        "itemNumber": "1234345"
      "source": {
        "identifier": "PLTY",
        "transactionNumber": "7812378",
        "itemNumber": "9823490"
      "paymentDate": "2017-04-05T14:03:55Z",
      "sentDate": "2017-04-05T14:35:41Z",
      "deliveryAddress": {
        "fullName": "John Johnson",
        "street": "Wall Street 3",
        "zip": "12345",
        "city": "Kings Landing",
        "state": "",
        "country": "DE"
      "billingAddress": {
        "fullName": "Frank Smith",
        "street": "Ocean Drive 22",
        "zip": "12345",
        "city": "London",
        "state": "",
        "country": "PL"
      "senderAddress": {
        "fullName": "Mustershop24",
        "street": "Westring 32",
        "zip": "987654",
        "city": "München",
        "state": "Bayern",
        "country": "DE"
      "quantity": 2,
      "productIdentifier": "sku123",
      "description": "T-Shirt white",
      "transactionCurrency": "EUR",
      "itemPrice": 59.8

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "updatedRows": 30

Make sure that you have read and understood the Transactions section.

Use this call to update your transactions. The most common use case is converting a B2C to a B2B transaction by setting a buyerVatNumber.

Be careful with this call, as you could edit transactions of already closed periods.

Same payload as in the add transactions call, but the id of each transaction is required. All values of the transaction are overwritten by this call, therefore you must request the full transaction with GET /transactions before modifying it.

HTTP Request

PUT /transactions


Field Type Description Constraints
transactions Transaction[] The transactions to update. IDs must be provided. 1-100


Field Type Description Constraints
updatedRows integer The number of updated rows for checking purposes

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.

Delete Transactions

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "deletedRows": 30

Make sure you have read and understood the Transactions section.

Use this call to delete transactions. We suggest you to not use this call within your daily workflow, as this indicates bad design. Do not use this call to remove transactions in case there has been a refund. Create a new refund instead.

We primarily intend this call to be used to remove transactions that have been transferred by accident, or to remove test transactions (especially from the sandbox).

This operation will fail if at least one transaction is within an already unlocked period.

Note that using this call can invalidate our distance selling threshold evaluations. If this could be the case, please contact our support.

The transaction IDs (for the ids parameter) can be retrieved using the GET /transactions call.

HTTP Request

DELETE /transactions

Query Parameters

Field Type Description Constraints
ids string List of transaction IDs integers ≥1, length 1-1000, separated by comma or semicolon


Field Type Description Constraints
deletedRows integer The number of deleted rows.

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.


An Order represents an order or a refund that a customer placed in your shop or one of your sale channels. Orders are internally converted to transactions so they are not retrievable. During the conversion all order-level amounts like shipping cost and gift wrap cost are allocated proportionally to the order items.

Using POST /orders over POST /transactions is especially more favorable when exporting data from an ERP software, as these often use an order-orderItem hierarchy with costs both on order and item level.

On this resource both sales and refunds are allowed. When handling refunds, many fields are ignored by our internal systems because they prefer fields from the underlying sale, like product_identifier, deliveryAddress, senderAddress and billingAddress.

The same note on refunds as in Transactions applies to this resource.

Add Orders

Example payload:

  "orders": [
      "type": "Sale",
      "channel": {
        "identifier": "EBY",
        "transactionNumber": "63231231"
      "source": {
        "identifier": "PLTY",
        "transactionNumber": "7812372138"
      "paymentDate": "2017-04-05T14:03:55Z",
      "sentDate": "2017-04-05T14:35:41Z",
      "deliveryAddress": {
        "fullName": "John Johnson",
        "street": "Wall Street 3",
        "zip": "12345",
        "city": "Kings Landing",
        "state": "",
        "country": "DE"
      "senderAddress": {
        "fullName": "Mustershop24",
        "street": "Westring 32",
        "zip": "987654",
        "city": "München",
        "state": "Bayern",
        "country": "DE"
      "transactionCurrency": "EUR",
      "items": [
          "quantity": 5,
          "productIdentifier": "sku123",
          "description": "Green biscuits Premium",
          "itemPrice": 50.2,
          "channelItemNumber": "22342",
          "sourceItemNumber": "2843928"
          "quantity": 1,
          "productIdentifier": "89283423",
          "description": "Charcoal 5kg",
          "itemPrice": 19.99,
          "channelItemNumber": "72384",
          "sourceItemNumber": "2843929"

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "insertedRows": 30

Make sure that you have read and understood the Transactions section.

Use this call to send us your orders. Take care about sending us only completed orders.

HTTP Request

POST /orders


Field Type Description Constraints
orders Order[] An array of order objects 1-500


Field Type Description Constraints
insertedRows integer The number of inserted rows for checking purposes

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.


This is a convenience resource similar to Orders, but only allows refunds. This resource has a reduced set of required fields and is therefore preferred when handling sales and refunds differently on client-side.

The same note on refunds as in Transactions applies to this resource.

Add Refunds

Example payload:

  "refunds": [
      "channel": {
        "identifier": "EBY",
        "transactionNumber": "63231231",
        "refundNumber": "112344"
      "source": {
        "identifier": "PLTY",
        "transactionNumber": "7812372138",
        "refundNumber": "65831122"
      "paymentDate": "2017-04-05T14:03:55Z",
      "transactionCurrency": "EUR",
      "items": [
          "quantity": 5,
          "description": "Green biscuits Premium",
          "itemPrice": -50.2,
          "discount": 5.2,
          "channelItemNumber": "22342",
          "sourceItemNumber": "2843928"
          "quantity": 1,
          "description": "Charcoal 5kg",
          "itemPrice": -19.99,
          "channelItemNumber": "72384",
          "sourceItemNumber": "2843929"

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "insertedRows": 30

Make sure that you have read and understood the Transactions section.

Use this call to send us your refunds. Take care about sending us only completed refunds.

Do not forget that the monetary amounts must be negative if a refund was issued to the customer.

HTTP Request

POST /refunds


Field Type Description Constraints
refunds Refund[] An array of refund objects 1-500


Field Type Description Constraints
insertedRows integer The number of inserted rows for checking purposes

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.


A movement represents the movement of goods between warehouses.

Similar to transactions, we identify movements by a set of identifiers from a MovementPlatform object. In contrary to transactions, there is just one platform object. We use this identifier set to avoid duplicates, i.e. inserting the same movement multiple times has the same effect as inserting it only once.
This allows you to push the same data multiple times into our API without having to worry about duplicates.

Get Movements

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "movements": [
      "id": 3909077,
      "sentDate": "2017-12-01T00:00:00.000Z",
      "arrivalDate": "2017-12-05T00:00:00.000Z",
      "platform": {
        "identifier": "AFN",
        "movementNumber": "980486868",
        "itemNumber": "12346",
        "itemPosition": 0
      "senderAddress": {
        "id": 1,
        "amazonFulfillmentCenterId": "PRG1",
        "street": "Amazon Logistic Prague s.r.o. K Amazonu 235",
        "zip": "25261",
        "city": "Dobrovíz",
        "state": "Stredocesky kraj",
        "country": "CZ"
      "deliveryAddress": {
        "id": 31,
        "amazonFulfillmentCenterId": "LTN4",
        "street": " Unit DC1 (Prologis) Boscombe Road",
        "zip": "LU5 4FE",
        "city": "Dunstable",
        "state": "East of England",
        "country": "GB"
      "quantity": 1,
      "weight": {
        "value": 84,
        "unit": "kg"
      "commodityCode": "1111111111",
      "productIdentifier": "SKU-77967",
      "description": "Aerodynamische Stahl Messer",
      "purchaseCurrency": "EUR",
      "purchasePrice": 45.24,
      "results": {
        "departureCurrency": "CZK",
        "departureExchangeRate": 25.524,
        "departureTotalValue": 1154.71,
        "arrivalCurrency": "GBP",
        "arrivalExchangeRate": 0.8818,
        "arrivalTotalValue": 39.89
      "inserted": "2018-06-01T14:35:14.000Z",
      "isValid": true

Retrieves movements by filter.

HTTP Request

GET /movements

Query Parameters

Field Type Description Constraints
sent_date_from string Returns only movements which were sent after the specified date-time. date-time in RFC3339 format
sent_date_until string Returns only movements which were sent before the specified date-time. date-time in RFC3339 format
arrival_date_from string Returns only movements which arrived after the specified date-time. date-time in RFC3339 format
arrival_date_until string Returns only movements which arrived before the specified date-time. date-time in RFC3339 format
inserted_from string Returns only transactions which were inserted after the specified date-time. date-time in RFC3339 format
inserted_until string Returns only transactions which were inserted before the specified date-time. date-time in RFC3339 format
type string Filter by the movement type. one of transfer, supply, import, export
valid boolean If set, only movements with the specified isValid value are returned.
period string Only movements where the arrivalDate (for transfers) or the departureDate (for import, export, supply) is within the specified period are returned YYYY-MM
country string If set, only movements where either the departure or the arrival country equals the provided value are returned ISO-3166
limit int The maximum number of items to display. Smaller value results in faster response. 1-100
page int The page to retrieve. 1-1000


Field Type Description Constraints
movements Movement[] An array of Movement matching the filters. ≤100

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.

Add Movements

Example payload:

  "movements": [
      "sentDate": "2017-04-05T14:03:55Z",
      "arrivalDate": "2017-04-05T14:03:55Z",
      "platform": {
        "identifier": "AFN",
        "movementNumber": "2342-2223",
        "itemNumber": "1",
        "itemPosition": 0
      "senderAddress": {
        "amazonFulfillmentCenterId": "PRG1"
      "deliveryAddress": {
        "amazonFulfillmentCenterId": "HAM2"
      "quantity": 1,
      "weight": {
        "unit": "kg",
        "value": 3
      "productIdentifier": "SKU-12345",
      "commodityCode": "1234567890",
      "description": "Miniature fusion reactor",
      "purchasePrice": 30,
      "purchaseCurrency": "EUR"

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "insertedRows": 30

Before you start, make sure you have read and understood the Movements section.

You may submit movements (e.g. warehouse transfers) of goods using this endpoint. Note that we usually import FBA transactions directly from Amazon, so you do not need to submit us these. If you have your own warehouses or use a fulfillment service provider that is not supported by us, you can submit us the corresponding movements using this endpoint.

HTTP Request

POST /movements


Field Type Description Constraints
movements Movement[] Array of movements. 1-500


Field Type Description Constraints
insertedRows integer The number of inserted rows for checking purposes

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.


Use this endpoint to map your product identifiers (e.g. sku) to the corresponding purchase prices and commodity codes (also called customs tariff number). Sending us your product details enables us to automatically match them with your orders, so you don't have to send us a csv file separately.

For each platform, we use the following fields as productIdentifier when importing transactions (this only applies to direct imports, e.g. Amazon sales that we import via the Plentymarkets API are imported with the variationId of Plentymarkets):

There are two major reasons why we need product information:

Add Products

Example payload:

  "products": [
      "description": "Couch Supreme red",
      "productIdentifier": "redcouch123",
      "commodityCode": "9394240000",
      "purchasePrice": 3200,
      "currency": "EUR"
      "description": "Wood table",
      "productIdentifier": "wt234bas",
      "commodityCode": "9394220000",
      "purchasePrice": 300,
      "currency": "EUR"

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "insertedRows": 30

Use this method to update data associated with your products. Posting products with product identifiers that already exist overwrites the existing entry.

HTTP Request

POST /products


Field Type Description Constraints
products Product[] An array of products. 1-1000


Field Type Description Constraints
insertedRows integer The number of inserted rows for checking purposes

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.

Upload Csv Products

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "insertedRows": 30

Use this call to upload your products with product identifiers and corresponding purchase prices as csv. The first row must be the header. The columns are exactly the same as the properties in the Product model. The content-type header must equal "text/csv".

You can pass the weight by using the columns weightValue and weightUnit and the supplementaryUnit by using the columns supplementaryValue and supplementaryUnit.

HTTP Request

POST /products/csv

Query Parameters

Field Type Description Constraints
delimiter string the delimiter of your CSV file (defaults to ";") length ≤1


Use the CSV as request body with rows fulfilling the schema CsvProduct.


Field Type Description Constraints
insertedRows integer The number of inserted rows for checking purposes

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.

Get Products

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "products": [
      "description": "Sessel in rot",
      "productIdentifier": "redcouch123",
      "commodityCode": "9394240000",
      "purchasePrice": 3200,
      "currency": "EUR"

Returns all products of the current client.

The description and product_identifier params are exclusive, that means, no other query parameter is allowed if one of the exclusive query parameters is provided.

HTTP Request

GET /products

Query Parameters

Field Type Description Constraints
description string Returns only products that contain the specified string in its description. exclusive
product_identifier string Returns only products that contain the specified string in its product identifier. exclusive
invalid_commodity_code boolean If true, only products with invalid commodity code are returned.
missing_commodity_code boolean If true, only products without a commodity code are returned.
limit int The maximum number of items to display. Smaller value results in faster response. Defaults to 100. 1-500
page int The page to retrieve. 1-1000


Field Type Description Constraints
products Product[] Array of products. ≤500

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.

Delete Products

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "deletedRows": 30

Deletes products by their product_identifier. Deletion of multiple products at once is allowed. Please only use this call to delete test (fake) products or accidentally created products. Do not delete real products. If you wish to update existing product data, use the Add Products call instead.

HTTP Request

DELETE /products

Query Parameters

Field Type Description Constraints
product_identifiers string-array Specifies the products to delete. Multiple values must be separated by comma (,). Do not forget to use URI encoding if you use special chars. alphanumeric, umlauts, underscore, hyphen, separated by comma


Field Type Description Constraints
deletedRows integer The number of deleted rows.

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.

Set product tax rates

Example payload:

  "products": [
      "productIdentifier": "sku1234",
      "rates": [
          "country": "DE",
          "rateType": "standard_rate"
          "country": "PL",
          "rateType": "reduced_rate_1"
          "country": "BE",
          "rateType": "parking_rate"
          "country": "GB",
          "rateType": "zero_rate"

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "insertedRows": 30

Updates the vat rates associated to a product. We assume the standard rate for all countries that are not set. We use placeholders like reduced_rate_1 for the vat rates (in case a country changes its vat rate). You can find the appropriate values in the Rate Types section.

The insertedCount of the response may be misleading. This is the raw value returned by our underlying database. E.g. for updated rows, 2 is returned instead of 1.

HTTP Request

POST /products/rates


Field Type Description Constraints
products ProductTaxRates[] 1-1000


Field Type Description Constraints
insertedRows integer The number of inserted rows for checking purposes

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.

Get tax rates

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "products": [
      "commodityCode": "14569322323",
      "description": "Awesome sitting stone",
      "productIdentifier": "sku1234",
      "rates": [
          "country": "DE",
          "rateType": "standard_rate",
          "value": 19
          "country": "PL",
          "rateType": "reduced_rate_1",
          "value": 8

Returns all tax rates for all products that have either a commodity code or an already set vat rate for one or more countries.

HTTP Request

GET /products/rates

Query Parameters

Field Type Description Constraints
product_identifiers string-array If specified, only data for specified product identifiers are returned. If this parameter is set, all other parameters must not be set. length 1-100, alphanumeric, umlauts, underscore, hyphen, separated by comma, exclusive
limit int The maximum number of products to retrieve. Defaults to 100 1-100
page int The page to retrieve. Defaults to 1. 1-1000


Field Type Description Constraints
products ProductTaxRates[] An array of ProductTaxRates ≤100

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.


Get client data

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "legalName": "Merchant UG",
  "email": "",
  "created": "2017-04-05T14:35:41Z",
  "complianceActive": true,
  "address": {
    "fullName": "John Johnson",
    "street": "Wall Street 3",
    "zip": "12345",
    "city": "Kings Landing",
    "state": "",
    "country": "DE"

Returns information about the current client.

HTTP Request

GET /client


Field Type Description Constraints
legalName string The legal name of the client
created string The date and time the Client was created. format date-time
complianceActive boolean True if the client is an active customer. true or false
address Address The client's address.

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.

Create a client

Example payload:

  "client": {
    "legalName": "Hans Riva e.K.",
    "entityType": "natural",
    "firstName": "Hans",
    "lastName": "Riva",
    "gender": "male",
    "countryOfBirth": "DE",
    "dateOfBirth": "2020-01-02",
    "companyAddress": {
      "street": "Weg 123",
      "state": "Redanien",
      "city": "Nowigrad",
      "zip": "123",
      "country": "DE"
    "accounts": [
        "email": "",
        "permissionLevel": "owner"
        "id": 12345,
        "permissionLevel": "employee"
    "warehouses": [
        "street": "Path of happiness 5",
        "state": "Scotland",
        "city": "Hogwarts",
        "zip": "99999",
        "country": "DE",
        "isStandard": true
    "registrations": [
        "country": "DE",
        "vatId": "DE123456789"

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "clientId": 1111

This endpoint requires OAuth authentication.

A client represents a single merchant (i.e. legal entity) in our system. New clients can be created with this endpoint.

HTTP Request

POST /oauth/client


Field Type Description Constraints
client PostClientData The data of the client to create.


Field Type Description Constraints
clientId integer The ID of the new client.

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.

Trigger onboarding

Example payload:

  "importStart": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "platforms": [

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "insertedRows": 30

Signals that the initial imports were completed. This will trigger the initial processing of the submitted transaction data, and an email to the client with a preliminary overview of the results.

HTTP Request

POST /client/onboarding


Field Type Description Constraints
platforms string[] The platforms for which the onboarding imports are done. 1-20
importStart string The date-time from which the imports started. Use RFC3339 format. format date-time


Field Type Description Constraints
insertedRows integer The number of inserted rows for checking purposes

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.


Retrieve active addons

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "addons": [
      "name": "datev",
      "firstPeriod": "2021-01",
      "lastPeriod": "9999-12"
      "name": "pro-forma",
      "firstPeriod": "2018-05",
      "lastPeriod": "2020-12"

This endpoint requires OAuth authentication and the Client-Identifier header.

Returns a list of activated addons along with their time range. We use the period "9999-12" to indicate that the addon is active indefinitely.

HTTP Request

GET /oauth/addons


Field Type Description Constraints
addons Addon[] The addons that are activated for the current client.

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.

Activate addon

Example payload:

  "addon": {
    "name": "datev"

Example response:

  "status": "success"

This endpoint requires OAuth authentication and the Client-Identifier header.

Use this endpoint to activate an addon. There may be only one active time range per addon at this time. Activating an addon that is already active is still possible, if the new time range is greater than the earlier time range. Otherwise, the request fails (i.e. you cannot deactivate an addon for a month where it was previously activated).

HTTP Request

POST /oauth/addons


Field Type Description Constraints
addon Addon The addon to activate


Responds with a SimpleResponse.


With this endpoint you can manage your Warehouses. This simplifies using the POST Transactions and the POST Orders call, because you can simply provide a warehouse-id instead of the full SenderAddress.

A Merchant may only have one standard warehouse. The standard warehouse is important for some of our processes, e.g. it is displayed on pro-forma invoices.

Updating and removing warehouses is not allowed, as this could invalidate already processed transactions.

Add Warehouses

Example payload:

  "warehouses": [
      "street": "Westring 32",
      "zip": "987654",
      "city": "München",
      "state": "Bayern",
      "country": "DE"

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "insertedRows": 30

Adds a warehouse. You can retrieve the id of the created warehouse afterwards via a GET /warehouses call.

HTTP Request

POST /warehouses


Field Type Description Constraints
warehouses SenderAddress[] The warehouses to add. 1-50


Field Type Description Constraints
insertedRows integer The number of inserted rows for checking purposes

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.

Retrieve Warehouses

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "warehouses": [
      "id": 123,
      "street": "Westring 32",
      "zip": "987654",
      "city": "München",
      "state": "Bayern",
      "country": "DE"

Returns all warehouse addresses of the current client.

HTTP Request

GET /warehouses


Field Type Description Constraints
warehouses SenderAddress[] Array of SenderAddress objects

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.


Get registrations

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "registrations": [
      "country": "PL",
      "status": "completed",
      "vatId": "PL1234567890",
      "registrationDate": "2017-04-05T14:03:55Z"

This resource returns information about your vat registration status for each country.

Currently only countries with the status "pending" or "completed" are returned. If the vat registration was not started for a country yet, it will not appear in the response.

HTTP Request

GET /registrations


Field Type Description Constraints
registrations CountryRegistrationStatus[] The VAT registrations and their status for this client.
ossRegistrations OssRegistration[] Registrations for the One-Stop-Shop, if available.
iossRegistrations IossRegistration[] Registrations for the Import One-Stop-Shop, if available.

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.


Get threshold status

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "thresholds": [
      "year": 2017,
      "country": "AT",
      "value": 26251.32,
      "rateOfExceedance": 0.75,
      "isActive": true,
      "reason": "waiver",
      "activeFrom": "2016-04-018T12:34:56.000Z",
      "activeUntil": "9999-12-31T22:59:59.000Z"

Returns the current threshold status for each country of the European Union in a specified year. Only countries are returned where the threshold value differs from zero, i.e. you sent an order there.

HTTP Request

GET /thresholds

Query Parameters

Field Type Description Constraints
year int the year of the thresholds


Field Type Description Constraints
thresholds CountryThresholdStatus[] The threshold statuses.

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.


Get Period Summary

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "preliminary": true,
  "summary": {
    "createdTime": "2018-06-01T09:30:43.377Z",
    "period": "2018-05",
    "taxes": [
        "country": "AT",
        "currency": "EUR",
        "vatRate": 20,
        "count": 401,
        "net": 7371.06,
        "vat": 1474.64
        "country": "CZ",
        "currency": "CZK",
        "vatRate": 21,
        "count": 179,
        "net": 74023.14,
        "vat": 15544.9
    "ecsales": [
        "departureCountry": "CZ",
        "arrivalCountry": "DE",
        "currency": "CZK",
        "count": 24,
        "sum": 318347.39
        "departureCountry": "CZ",
        "arrivalCountry": "PL",
        "currency": "CZK",
        "count": 17,
        "sum": 244650.79
    "ecpurchases": [
        "departureCountry": "DE",
        "arrivalCountry": "CZ",
        "currency": "CZK",
        "count": 13,
        "sum": 154228.97
        "departureCountry": "DE",
        "arrivalCountry": "CZ",
        "currency": "CZK",
        "count": 13,
        "sum": 154228.97
    "eu_sales": [
        "country": "AT",
        "currency": "EUR",
        "count": 401,
        "sum": 8845.7
        "country": "CZ",
        "currency": "EUR",
        "count": 61,
        "sum": 1430.06
    "export_sales": [
        "country": "CZ",
        "currency": "CZK",
        "count": 77,
        "sum": 45348.82
        "country": "DE",
        "currency": "EUR",
        "count": 96,
        "sum": 2165.32
    "platforms": [
        "currency": "EUR",
        "primaryPlatform": "PLTY",
        "secondaryPlatform": "AFN",
        "sum": 15655.07,
        "count": 731
        "currency": "EUR",
        "primaryPlatform": "PLTY",
        "secondaryPlatform": "EBY",
        "sum": 15151.85,
        "count": 690
    "b2b_sales": [
        "departureCountry": "DE",
        "arrivalCountry": "FR",
        "currency": "EUR",
        "count": 5,
        "sum": 1255.97

Returns our summary of our findings for all transactions and movements within a specified period. The same information is displayed in our dashboard. The summary may show preliminary results.

All array fields in this data structure are aggregation results of sale, refund and movement data. The aggregated fields are always named sum, count, net and vat. All other fields in each aggregation are grouping fields.

The VAT facts mentioned in this documentation are documented in our Zendesk Help Center (only visible when logged in to the Taxdoo-Dashboard).

Note that for periods before the Brexit, GB is included in all aggregations with EU-scope. After the Brexit, GB may also be included in the aggregations with EU-scope, but will only refer to Northern Ireland.

In the following subsections the components of the summary are explained.

The date-time where the summary was created (using RFC3339 format).

The period of the summary.

The newest and most flexible transaction summary for the EU scope. It includes all VAT facts. It is the result of an aggregation of the following values:

The aggregated values are

Owed VAT and net per country, currency and VAT rate. Before the introduction of the OSS, this included the payable VAT for each VAT rate in the respective country of taxation. Since the introduction of the OSS, this aggregation only includes the amounts to declare in local filings. This includes all transactions where the OSS is not applicable, such as domestic sales in the respective country. The values from this aggregation are used for the local filings.

Intra-community supplies (EC Sales) per country pair and currency. This includes the outbound part of movements between Amazon warehouses, as well as VAT-exempt border-crossing B2B sales.

Like ecsales, but without VAT-exempt border-crossing B2B sales.

Intra-community purchases (EC Purchases) per country pair and currency. This includes the inbound part of movements between Amazon warehouses.

Sales and Refunds inside the EU combined per delivery country. The currency is the original order currency. Only for statistical purposes.

Sales and Refunds leaving the EU combined per departure country. The currency is the currency in the departure country.

Sales and Refunds from 3rd party countries to the EU aggregated by arrival country. The currency is the currency in the arrival country. This is a subset of taxes. Transactions that are reported via IOSS are not included.

Sales and Refunds combined per currency, primary and secondary platform. The currency is the original order currency, and the sum the gross amount. Only for statistical purposes. This statistic includes all processed transactions.

VAT-exempt B2B Sales and Refunds. This is a subset of the ecsales statistic. Only for statistical purposes.

In some EU countries reverse charge applies under certain conditions. This aggregation only includes domestic B2B Sales and Refunds with the VAT fact B2B_DOMESTIC_RC.

Domestic purchases where reverse charge is applied (usually commingling purchases via Amazon FBA).

Taxable purchases (usually commingling purchases via Amazon FBA).

Contains all purchases aggregated by departure and arrival country and by original currency. Includes the purchases of taxable_purchases and domestic_rc_purchases.

This section contains a summary for the GB VAT evaluation results. This summary is only present for summaries after the Brexit. It contains the following fields:

Sales and Refunds taxable in the United Kingdom, aggregated by currency, vatRate and taxRateType (with the same meanings as in eu_countries_by_vat_fact).

Sales and Refunds which are exports from the United Kingdom.

Sales and Refunds which are imports into the United Kingdom. The seller pays VAT.

gb.sales_marketplace_imports Sales and Refunds which are imports into the United Kingdom. The marketplace pays VAT. This also includes imports from 3rd party countries to Northern Ireland.

Domestic Sales and Refunds within the United Kingdom. The marketplace pays VAT. This also includes domestic sales within Northern Ireland where the marketplace has to pay VAT.

Taxable purchases (usually commingling purchases via Amazon FBA).

HTTP Request

GET /period-summary

Query Parameters

Field Type Description Constraints
period string The period for which the summary is requested. YYYY-MM


Field Type Description Constraints
summary object The period summary. The structure is not final and will change in the future.
preliminary boolean True if the data is still preliminary. true or false

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.


Download Report

Example response:

  "preliminary": true,
  "status": "success",
  "url": "https://...",
  "expiresIn": 60

Returns a temporary link to download a report.

The following report types are allowed and can be downloaded:

To download quarterly reports, supply the last month of the quarter as the period query parameter.

For the OSS and the IOSS reports, you may need to supply a country which has to match the country of establishment of your company at that time. If Taxdoo did not support your country of establishment at that time, you have to omit the country parameter. You will then be able to download our fallback Excel report.

If you get the error "Invalid input: report does not exist", this might have one of the following reasons:

HTTP Request

GET /reports/download

Query Parameters

Field Type Description Constraints
period string The period for which the report is requested. YYYY-MM
type string The requested report type.
country string The country to retrieve the report for. Only applies to OSS and IOSS reports. ISO-3166


Field Type Description Constraints
url string The URL to download the report. This URL will expire.
expiresIn integer The number of seconds the url is valid.
preliminary boolean If true the report has to be treated as preliminary. true or false

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.


Contains endpoints to manage data related to filing.

OSS: Retrieve initial tax amounts

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "amounts": [
      "period": "2021-Q4",
      "reportCountry": "DE",
      "countryOfTaxation": "ES"
      "period": "2021-Q4",
      "reportCountry": "DE",
      "countryOfTaxation": "FR",
      "initialTaxAmount": 123.45

In order to do corrections of periods where someone else than Taxdoo did OSS filings for the merchant, we need the amounts that were submitted for the OSS filing. With this endpoint you can retrieve the initial tax amounts per combination of year-quarter, report country and country of taxation. If the initialTaxAmount is missing for an entry, it needs to be populated.

HTTP Request

GET /filing/oss/initial-tax-amounts

Query Parameters

Field Type Description Constraints
only_missing boolean If true, only entries where the amount is missing are returned.


Field Type Description Constraints
amounts OssInitialTaxAmount[]

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.

OSS: Submit initial tax amounts

Example payload:

  "amounts": [
      "period": "2021-Q4",
      "reportCountry": "DE",
      "countryOfTaxation": "ES",
      "initialTaxAmount": 10.45
      "period": "2021-Q4",
      "reportCountry": "DE",
      "countryOfTaxation": "FR",
      "initialTaxAmount": 123.45

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "insertedRows": 30

Allows submitting new initial tax amounts for the OSS filing. This endpoint supports both submitting new values as well as overwriting old values.

Please be aware that you cannot submit 2 entries with the same combination of period, reportCountry, countryOfTaxation because such entries would overwrite each other.

HTTP Request

POST /filing/oss/initial-tax-amounts


Field Type Description Constraints
amounts object[] The OssInitialTaxAmount objects to store. 1-100


Field Type Description Constraints
insertedRows integer The number of inserted rows for checking purposes

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.

GB: Retrieve filing prefill data

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "prefillData": [
      "period": "2022-02",
      "importTransfersPaidAtBorderNet": 100,
      "importTransfersPaidAtBorderVat": 20,
      "importTransfersPvaNet": 200,
      "importTransfersPvaVat": 40,
      "importSalesPvaNet": 50,
      "importSalesPvaVat": 60,
      "importSalesPaidAtBorderVat": 0,
      "importSalesPaidAtBorderNet": 0

For the periodic filing on Great Britain after the Brexit a few figures are required that Taxdoo cannot determine automatically. The values need to be submitted either via the Taxdoo Dashboard, or via the Taxdoo API. You can retrieve previously saved entries via this endpoint. There will be at most one entry per month.

HTTP Request

GET /filing/gb/prefill-data

Query Parameters

Field Type Description Constraints
periods string Filter by periods. If not set, all entries are returned. one or multiple YYYY-MM, separated by comma


Field Type Description Constraints
prefillData GbFilingPrefillData[] Contains at most one entry per month.

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.

GB: Submit filing prefill data

Example payload:

  "prefillData": [
      "period": "2022-02",
      "importTransfersPaidAtBorderNet": 100,
      "importTransfersPaidAtBorderVat": 20,
      "importTransfersPvaNet": 200,
      "importTransfersPvaVat": 40,
      "importSalesPvaNet": 50,
      "importSalesPvaVat": 60,
      "importSalesPaidAtBorderVat": 0,
      "importSalesPaidAtBorderNet": 0,
      "markAsSubmitted": true
      "period": "2022-03",
      "importTransfersPaidAtBorderNet": 0,
      "importTransfersPaidAtBorderVat": 0,
      "importTransfersPvaNet": 10,
      "importTransfersPvaVat": 2,
      "importSalesPvaNet": 0.1,
      "importSalesPvaVat": 0.02,
      "importSalesPaidAtBorderVat": 0,
      "importSalesPaidAtBorderNet": 0

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "insertedRows": 30

For the periodic filing on Great Britain after the Brexit a few figures are required that Taxdoo cannot determine automatically. The values need to be submitted either via the Taxdoo Dashboard, or via the Taxdoo API.

You can save new entries with this endpoint. Once an entry is marked as submitted, it cannot be altered anymore. As of now we also use entries for the filing report creation even if they are not marked as submitted. We may change that to only use an entry if it is marked as submitted.

There must be always only one entry per period. If you transmit an entry for a period that was already saved earlier, it will get overwritten if it is not marked as submitted. The write operation will fail if for one of the supplied entries there is already an entry with the same period in our system that is marked as submitted.

HTTP Request

POST /filing/gb/prefill-data


Field Type Description Constraints
prefillData GbFilingPrefillData[] The GbFilingPrefillData objects to store. 1-100


Field Type Description Constraints
insertedRows integer The number of inserted rows for checking purposes

The response also includes fields from SimpleResponse.


Required fields are bold.


  "name": "datev"
  "name": "datev",
  "firstPeriod": "2020-01",
  "lastPeriod": "2020-12"

Addon schema

Field Type Description Constraints
name string The name of the addon datev, pro-forma, filing-be, filing-it, filing-nl, filing-pl, filing-cz, filing-fr, filing-lu, filing-at, filing-es, filing-gb, filing-se, filing-de, intrastat-de-inbound, intrastat-de-outbound, intrastat-cz-inbound, intrastat-cz-outbound, intrastat-pl-inbound, intrastat-pl-outbound, intrastat-fr-inbound, intrastat-fr-outbound, oss, ioss
firstPeriod string The first month this addon should be active. Defaults to the current month. (Example: 2021-01) format period
lastPeriod string The last month this addon should be active. Defaults to unbound (i.e. 9999-12). format period


  "fullName": "John Johnson",
  "street": "Wall Street 3",
  "zip": "12345",
  "city": "Kings Landing",
  "state": "",
  "country": "DE"

Represents an address.

Field Type Description Constraints
fullName string The full name of the address owner. ≤ 100 chars
street string Street field of the address. ≤ 200 chars
zip string Postal code ≤ 15 chars
city string City ≤ 100 chars
state string State ≤ 50 chars
country string Country as 2-letter ISO-3166 code format iso-country and 2 chars


  "country": "PL",
  "status": "completed",
  "vatId": "PL1234567890",
  "registrationDate": "2017-04-05T14:03:55Z"

Describes the vat registration status for a merchant in a country. Either vatId or taxNumber are required.

Field Type Description Constraints
country string The country.
status string Describes the registration status in the given country. none, pending, completed
vatId string The VAT id of the merchant in the country. Some countries use the vatId, others use a tax number. format vat-id
taxNumber string The tax number of the merchant in the country.
registrationDate string The date and time the registration was completed. format date-time


  "country": "DE",
  "rateType": "standard_rate",
  "value": 19,
  "proposedRateType": "reduced_rate_1",
  "proposedValue": 7

Describes the currently applied tax rate on a product for a country, along with a proposal for the tax rate according to the commodity code. Objects of this type only appear inside objects to which they refer to, e.g. ProductTaxRates.

Field Type Description Constraints
country string Country as 2-letter ISO-3166 code format iso-country and 2 chars
rateType string The type of the tax rate standard_rate, zero_rate, parking_rate, reduced_rate_1, reduced_rate_2, super_reduced_rate
value number The tax rate according to the rateType in the country. Ignored on any POST request.
proposedRateType string The type of the tax rate as derived from the commodity code. Ignored on any POST request. standard_rate, zero_rate, parking_rate, reduced_rate_1, reduced_rate_2, super_reduced_rate
proposedValue number The tax rate according to the proposedRateType in the country. Ignored on any POST request.


  "country": "AT",
  "year": 2017,
  "value": 26251.32,
  "rateOfExceedance": 0.75,
  "isActive": true,
  "reason": "waiver",
  "activeFrom": "2016-04-018T12:34:56.000Z",
  "activeUntil": "9999-12-31T22:59:59.000Z"

Represents the current distance selling threshold status of a merchant for this country. When we consider a threshold of a country as active, all orders that are sent into the country are taxable there.

Field Type Description Constraints
country string Country as 2-letter ISO-3166 code ≤ 2 chars
year integer The year of the threshold level.
value number The current threshold value in the currency of the country.
rateOfExceedance number The current rate of exceedance of the distance selling threshold in the country for the current year.
dateOfExceedance string The date and time when the distance selling threshold was exceeded in the current year. That means, this property is still set if the threshold was waived or exceeded in the year before. Only set when the rateOfExceedance is equal or greater than one. format date-time
isActive boolean True if the distance selling threshold is active, e.g. by exceedance or waiver. true or false
reason string Only set when isActive is true. Displays the reason why the threshold is active. waiver, exceedance, registration
activeFrom string The date and time when the distance selling threshold was activated. Only set when isActive is true. format date-time
activeUntil string The date and time until the distance selling threshold is active. Only set when isActive is true. format date-time


  "description": "Sessel in rot",
  "productIdentifier": "redcouch123",
  "commodityCode": "9394240000",
  "purchasePrice": 330.3,
  "currency": "EUR"

Describe a product offered in your shop.

Field Type Description Constraints
id integer An unique id for the entry issued by Taxdoo. Is ignored on POST /products requests. ≥1
productIdentifier string An identifier that identifies the product, e.g. your SKU. You are strongly encouraged to use the same product identifier for the same product across all channels. format only-printable and ≤ 50 chars
commodityCode string The Customs Tariff Number of the product. 8-10 chars
purchasePrice number The purchase price per item of this product. Must be positive ≥0
weightValue number The weight of this product ≥0
weightUnit string The weight of this product kg, lbs, g
supplementaryValue number The numerical value of the supplementary unit. ≥0
supplementaryUnit string The unit of the supplementary unit. ZZZ, CTM, NCL, CCT, GRM, GFI, KGM, KCC, KNS, KPO, KPH, KMA, KGE, KSD, KNI, KSH, KPP, KUR, NAR, NPR, CEN, MIL, MWH, LTR, LPA, KLT, MTR, MTK, MTQ, MTC, TJO
currency string The currency of the purchase_price as 3-digit ISO-4217 code. Defaults to 'EUR'. ≤ 3 chars
description string A title describing the product. ≤ 1000 chars
countryOfOrigin string The manufacturing country of the product. 2 chars
invalidCommodityCode boolean True if the given commodity code is invalid. Issued only by Taxdoo. true or false
updated string The time where the purchase price was updated. Only returned on GET /products format date-time


Describes the columns for a csv transaction as used in the Post Csv Transactions call. For sales, one of paymentDate and sentDate is required. For refunds, the paymentDate is required, and the sentDate is ignored.

Field Type Description Constraints
type string The type of this transaction. Use one of the preset values. Sale, Refund
channelIdentifier string The identifier of the platform. You can find possible values here. format alphanumeric and 2-8 chars
channelMerchantId string ignored ≤ 100 chars
channelTransactionNumber string The identifier for the transaction on this platform. If the transaction is a refund, use the id of the underlying order. 1-100 chars
channelRefundNumber string If the transaction is a refund, put in the refund identifier here. ≤ 100 chars
channelItemNumber string The number of the item within the transaction. Use this to differentiate between items of the same order (identifier and transactionNumber of the items are identical). ≤ 100 chars
channelItemPosition string An additional number to differentiate between order items with identical ids (identifier, transactionNumber and itemNumber of the items are identical). This field is ignored if the sourceTransactionNumber is set. Defaults to 0 if the column is missing. The maximum value is 32767. format positive-integer-string
sourceIdentifier string The identifier of the platform. Link here format alphanumeric and 2-8 chars
sourceMerchantId string The id of the merchant on this platform. Not necessary for your own Webshop. ≤ 100 chars
sourceTransactionNumber string The identifier for the transaction on this platform. If the transaction is a refund, use the id of the underlying order. ≤ 100 chars
sourceRefundNumber string If the transaction is a refund, put in the refund identifier here. ≤ 100 chars
sourceItemNumber string The number of the item within the transaction. Use this to differentiate between items of the same order (identifier and transactionNumber of the items are identical). ≤ 100 chars
sourceItemPosition string An additional number to differentiate between order items with identical ids (identifier, transactionNumber and itemNumber of the items are identical). Defaults to 0 if the column is missing. The maximum value is 32767. format positive-integer-string
paymentDate string The date and time of the payment. Use RFC3339 format. format date-time
sentDate string The date and time where the items were shipped. Use RFC3339 format. format date-time
arrivalDate string The date and time of arrival. Use RFC3339 format. format date-time
deliveryFullName string The full name of the address owner. ≤ 150 chars
deliveryStreet1 string Street field number 1. Only the first one is required, others are optional. ≤ 100 chars
deliveryStreet2 string Street field number 2 ≤ 100 chars
deliveryStreet3 string Street field number 3 ≤ 100 chars
deliveryStreet4 string Street field number 4 ≤ 100 chars
deliveryZip string Postal code ≤ 10 chars
deliveryCity string City ≤ 50 chars
deliveryState string State ≤ 50 chars
deliveryCountry string Country as 2-letter ISO-3166 code format iso-country and ≤ 2 chars
billingFullName string The full name of the address owner. ≤ 100 chars
billingStreet1 string Street field number 1. Only the first one is required, others are optional. ≤ 100 chars
billingStreet2 string Street field number 2 ≤ 100 chars
billingStreet3 string Street field number 3 ≤ 100 chars
billingStreet4 string Street field number 4 ≤ 100 chars
billingZip string Postal code ≤ 10 chars
billingCity string City ≤ 50 chars
billingState string State ≤ 50 chars
billingCountry string Country as 2-letter ISO-3166 code format iso-country-optional and ≤ 2 chars
senderStreet1 string Street field number 1. Only the first one is required, others are optional. ≤ 100 chars
senderStreet2 string Street field number 2 ≤ 100 chars
senderStreet3 string Street field number 3 ≤ 100 chars
senderStreet4 string Street field number 4 ≤ 100 chars
senderZip string Postal code ≤ 10 chars
senderCity string City ≤ 50 chars
senderState string State ≤ 50 chars
senderCountry string Country as 2-letter ISO-3166 code format iso-country and ≤ 2 chars
amazonFulfillmentCenterId string The code of the amazon fulfillment center for FBA orders. If this field is provided, the sender* fields are ignored, but must still be present as columns, and senderCountry must contain a valid ISO country code. ≤ 4 chars
buyerVatNumber string The VAT number of the buyer. If provided and valid (checked by regex), we process the transaction as B2B transaction. ≤ 15 chars
quantity string The quantity of the item of this transaction. format positive-integer-string
weight string The weight of the whole package. format number-string-optional
productIdentifier string An identifier that identifies the product, e.g. your SKU. You are strongly encouraged to use the same product identifier for the same product across all channels. format only-printable and ≤ 50 chars
description string A title describing the article. ≤ 250 chars
commodityCode string The Customs Tariff Number of the product. ≤ 10 chars
transactionCurrency string The currency of the order as 3-digit ISO-4217 code. All monetary amounts must have this currency. 3 chars
itemPrice string The total price of items of this transaction. This equals to the price per item multiplied with the quantity. format number-string
itemDiscount string Total discount on items. format number-string
shipping string Total shipping cost. format number-string
shippingDiscount string Total discount on shipping. format number-string
giftWrap string Total gift wrap cost. format number-string
giftWrapDiscount string Total discount on gift wrap. format number-string
goodWillRefund string Refund the merchant gave to their customer due to kindness? format number-string
trackingNumber string The number to track the package. ≤ 50 chars
invoiceNumber string The number of the invoice. ≤ 50 chars
invoiceDate string The date and time where the invoice was sent. Use RFC3339 format. format date-time
paymentChannel string The payment channel, e.g. paypal ≤ 50 chars
paymentNumber string The payment number. ≤ 100 chars
taxCollector string The party who collects taxes, if applicable. If empty, it is automatically determined by us. (empty), seller, marketplace
taxCollected string The amount of tax collected by the marketplace, if applicable. format number-string-optional


  "type": "amazon",
  "code": "PRG1"

A fulfillment center

Field Type Description Constraints
type string The fulfillment center type, e.g. "amazon" cdiscount, amazon, logoix, zalando, diha
code string The fulfillment center code, e.g. PRG1. Must be an existing fulfillment center for the specified type. ≤ 4 chars


  "period": "2022-02",
  "importTransfersPaidAtBorderNet": 100,
  "importTransfersPaidAtBorderVat": 20,
  "importTransfersPvaNet": 200,
  "importTransfersPvaVat": 40,
  "importSalesPvaNet": 50,
  "importSalesPvaVat": 60,
  "importSalesPaidAtBorderVat": 0,
  "importSalesPaidAtBorderNet": 0,
  "submittedTime": "2022-03-02T12:34:56Z"
  "period": "2022-03",
  "importTransfersPaidAtBorderNet": 0,
  "importTransfersPaidAtBorderVat": 0,
  "importTransfersPvaNet": 10,
  "importTransfersPvaVat": 2,
  "importSalesPvaNet": 0.1,
  "importSalesPvaVat": 0.02,
  "importSalesPaidAtBorderVat": 0,
  "importSalesPaidAtBorderNet": 0

Customer-provided data that is required for GB filing after the Brexit

Field Type Description Constraints
period string The year and month to which this data is referring to. format period
importTransfersPaidAtBorderNet number Net of cross-border shipments to warehouses in GB for which you are charged import VAT at the border.
importTransfersPaidAtBorderVat number Assessed import VAT on cross-border shipments to warehouses in GB for which you are charged import VAT at the border.
importTransfersPvaNet number Net of cross-border shipments to warehouses in GB, for which you are not immediately charged with import VAT at the border, because they are imported according to PVA ('Postponed VAT Accounting').
importTransfersPvaVat number Assessed import VAT on cross-border shipments to warehouses in GB, for which you are not immediately charged with import VAT at the border, because they are imported according to PVA ('Postponed VAT Accounting').
importSalesPvaNet number Net of cross-border shipments (sales minus refunds) to private or business customers in GB, with an invoice value above GBP 135, for which you were not charged with import VAT at the border, because they are imported according to PVA ('Postponed VAT Accounting').
importSalesPvaVat number Assessed import VAT on cross-border shipments (sales minus refunds) to private or business customers in GB, with an invoice value above GBP 135, for which you were not charged with import VAT at the border, because they are imported according to PVA ('Postponed VAT Accounting')
importSalesPaidAtBorderNet number Net of cross-border shipments (sales minus refunds) to private or business customers in GB, with an invoice value above GBP 135, for which you are charged import VAT at the border. Required for periods from 2022.
importSalesPaidAtBorderVat number Assessed import VAT on cross-border shipments (sales minus refunds) to private or business customers in GB, with an invoice value above GBP 135, for which you are charged import VAT at the border. Required for periods from 2022.
submittedTime string The date and time this entry was marked as submitted. Once an entry is marked as submitted, it cannot be altered anymore. Is ignored on POST requests. format date-time
markAsSubmitted boolean If true, marks the given data as submitted. Once an entry is marked as submitted, it cannot be altered anymore. Only applicable to POST requests. true or false


  "dateOfConfirmation": "2021-09-05T14:03:55Z",
  "id": "IM1234567890"
  "from": "2022-01",
  "dateOfConfirmation": "2022-03-05T14:03:55Z",
  "id": "IM9999999999"

Describes a registration for the Import One-Stop-Shop of the European Union. The country is always the country of residence of the merchant.

Field Type Description Constraints
from string In case there are multiple registrations, this shows from when this registration is valid to be used for IOSS filing. If not provided, the lower bound is always the introduction of the IOSS (2021-07). format period
to string In case there are multiple registrations, this shows until when this registration is valid to be used for IOSS filing. format period
dateOfConfirmation string The date the IOSS registration was confirmed. format date
id string The IOSS ID.


  "level": "error",
  "message": "unknown amazon fulfillment center code 'ABC9'",
  "code": 1010

A message with an error level.

Field Type Description Constraints
level string The error level of this message, e.g. error, warning or info
message string The actual message.
code integer A numeric code representing the message. Only for localization purposes.
path string Only for validation errors. Shows the path where the input validation failed. Uses Javascript property access notation preceded with a $, e.g. "$.orders[10]" or "$" for the root object.
context string Only for invalid input errors. Shows the context of the input validation error, such as platform and primary_transaction_number.


  "sentDate": "2017-04-05T14:03:55Z",
  "arrivalDate": "2017-04-05T14:03:55Z",
  "platform": {
    "identifier": "AFN",
    "movementNumber": "12345",
    "itemNumber": "2342"
  "senderAddress": {
    "amazonFulfillmentCenterId": "PRG1"
  "deliveryAddress": {
    "amazonFulfillmentCenterId": "HAM1"
  "quantity": 1,
  "weight": {
    "unit": "kg",
    "value": 3
  "productIdentifier": "sku123",
  "commodityCode": "111111111",
  "description": "test item",
  "purchasePrice": 30,
  "purchaseCurrency": "EUR"

Represents a movement in general. There are 4 types of Movements: Import, Export, Transfer and Supply. Import denotes an import from a 3rd party country into the EU, export denotes an export from the EU into a 3rd party country and supply denotes a border-crossing B2B delivery inside the EU. A transfer is a movement of goods between warehouses, mostly FBA warehouses. Import, export and supply movements are created from transactions with the corresponding properties.

Field Type Description Constraints
id integer Our internal id for the movement. Do not use this param in POST /movements requests.
sentDate string The date and time where the items were shipped. Use RFC3339 format. format date-time
arrivalDate string The date and time of arrival. Use RFC3339 format. format date-time
platform MovementPlatform Information about platform where the movement originated from.
senderAddress SenderAddress The address from which the order was shipped.
deliveryAddress SenderAddress The address where the order arrived.
quantity integer The quantity of the item of this movement. ≥0
weight Weight The weight of the whole package.
productIdentifier string An identifier that identifies the product, e.g. your SKU. You are strongly encouraged to use the same product identifier for the same product across all channels. format only-printable and ≤ 50 chars
commodityCode string The Customs Tariff Number of the product. ≤ 10 chars
description string A title describing the article. ≤ 250 chars
trackingNumber string The number to track the package. ≤ 50 chars
purchasePrice number The purchase price per item. Must be positive ≥0
purchaseCurrency string The currency of the purchasePrice as 3-digit ISO-4217 code. 3 chars
isValid boolean False if the movement is not taxable for the client, but should be recorded anyway. Defaults to false if the purchase price equals zero, true otherwise. true or false
inserted string The date and time where the row was inserted into our database. Only used in the GET /movements call. Has RFC3339 format. format date-time
results MovementTaxInfo An object containing the results. Only appears in the response of GET /movements requests.
transportMode integer Mode of Transport for Intrastat. You can find possible values here: (Section 5.1 field 11). 1 - 9


  "identifier": "EBY",
  "movementNumber": "31415926",
  "itemNumber": "1234345"

Describes platform-specific data that belongs to a movement. The platform can be a marketplace like Amazon, or other fulfillment providers.

Field Type Description Constraints
identifier string The identifier of the platform. See Platform Abbreviations for possible values. format alphanumeric and 2-10 chars
movementNumber string The identifier for the movement on this platform. 1-100 chars
itemNumber string An additional number to different rows with the same movementNumber. ≤ 100 chars
itemPosition integer An additional number to differentiate between different items with identical ids. Use this only and only if there is no other way to differentiate two separate movement rows. Default 0. ≥0


  "departureCurrency": "EUR",
  "departureExchangeRate": 1,
  "departureTotalValue": 3.74,
  "arrivalCurrency": "CZK",
  "arrivalExchangeRate": 25.542,
  "arrivalTotalValue": 95.53

Tax Information for a movement. Note that the information in this object is calculated by us and not modifiable.

Field Type Description Constraints
departureCurrency string Currency in the departure country.
departureExchangeRate number The exchange rate applied to the departureTotalValue.
departureTotalValue number The total value in the departure country.
arrivalCurrency string Currency in the arrival country.
arrivalExchangeRate number The exchange rate applied to the arrivalTotalValue.
arrivalTotalValue number The total value in the arrival country.


  "type": "Sale",
  "channel": {
    "identifier": "EBY",
    "transactionNumber": "63231231"
  "source": {
    "identifier": "PLTY",
    "transactionNumber": "7812372138"
  "paymentDate": "2017-04-05T14:03:55Z",
  "sentDate": "2017-04-05T14:35:41Z",
  "deliveryAddress": {
    "fullName": "John Johnson",
    "street": "Wall Street 3",
    "zip": "12345",
    "city": "Kings Landing",
    "state": "",
    "country": "DE"
  "senderAddress": {
    "fullName": "Mustershop24",
    "street": "Westring 32",
    "zip": "987654",
    "city": "München",
    "state": "Bayern",
    "country": "DE"
  "transactionCurrency": "EUR",
  "items": [
      "quantity": 5,
      "productIdentifier": "sku123",
      "description": "Green biscuits Premium",
      "itemPrice": 50.2,
      "discount": 5.2,
      "channelItemNumber": "22342",
      "sourceItemNumber": "2843928"
      "quantity": 1,
      "productIdentifier": "89283423",
      "description": "Charcoal 5kg",
      "itemPrice": 19.99,
      "channelItemNumber": "72384",
      "sourceItemNumber": "2843929"
  "paymentChannel": "paypal",
  "paymentNumber": "123456789",
  "marketplaceCountry": "DE"

An order with one or multiple order items. For sales, one of paymentDate and sentDate is required. For refunds, the paymentDate is required, and the sentDate is ignored.

Field Type Description Constraints
type string The type of this order. Sale, Refund
channel Platform The platform where the transaction was done, e.g. Amazon.
source Platform The platform from which the data originated, e.g. Plentymarkets.
paymentDate string The date and time of the payment. Use RFC3339 format. format date-time
sentDate string The date and time where the items were shipped. Use RFC3339 format. format date-time
arrivalDate string The date and time of arrival. Use RFC3339 format. format date-time
deliveryAddress Address The delivery address.
billingAddress Address The billing address.
senderAddress SenderAddress The address from which the order was shipped
buyerVatNumber string The VAT number of the buyer. If provided and valid (checked by regex), we process the transaction as B2B transaction. ≤ 15 chars
items OrderItem[] The array of OrderItems of this Order. At least one item must be provided. ≥1
transactionCurrency string The currency of the order as 3-digit ISO-4217 code. All monetary amounts must have this currency. 3 chars
shipping number Total shipping cost. Will be ignored if shipping is set on one of the items. Is distributed proportionally across the order items otherwise. -999999 - 999999
giftWrap number Total gift wrap cost. Will be ignored if giftWrap is set on one of the items. Is distributed proportionally across the order items otherwise. -999999 - 999999
totalDiscount number Total discount. Will be ignored if itemDiscount is set on one of the items. Is distributed proportionally across the order items otherwise. Usually negative for sales, positive for refunds. -999999 - 999999
adjustmentAmount number Any other amount that does not fit into the other field's descriptions. Is distributed proportionally across the order items. -999999 - 999999
invoiceNumber string The number of the invoice. ≤ 50 chars
invoiceDate string The date and time where the invoice was sent. Use RFC3339 format. format date-time
invoiceUrl string A path were the invoice document is reachable. ≤ 100 chars
paymentChannel string The payment channel, e.g. paypal ≤ 50 chars
paymentNumber string The payment number. ≤ 100 chars
taxCollector string The party who collects taxes, if applicable. If empty, it is automatically determined by us. seller, marketplace
taxCollected number The amount of tax collected by the marketplace, if applicable. The API prefers item-level fields. If the item-level value is set on one of the items, the order-level value is ignored. Usually positive for sales, and negative for refunds. -999999 - 999999
marketplaceCountry string The country of the marketplace in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format format iso-country and 2 chars


  "quantity": 5,
  "productIdentifier": "sku123",
  "description": "Green biscuits Premium",
  "itemPrice": 50.2,
  "channelItemNumber": "22342",
  "sourceItemNumber": "2843928",
  "marketplaceCountry": "DE"

An order item within an order. Either sourceItemNumber or channelItemNumber is required (please provide them accordingly to the source and channel objects on the order)

Field Type Description Constraints
quantity integer The quantity of the item of this transaction. ≥0
weight number The weight of the whole package in kilograms. Must be positive. ≥0
productIdentifier string An identifier that identifies the product, e.g. your SKU. You are strongly encouraged to use the same product identifier for the same product across all channels. format only-printable and ≤ 50 chars
description string A title describing the article. ≤ 250 chars
commodityCode string The Customs Tariff Number of the product. ≤ 10 chars
itemPrice number The total price of items of this transaction. This equals to the price per item multiplied with the quantity. -9999999 - 9999999
shipping number Shipping cost for this item. The Api prefers to use item-level shipping fields. If the item-level shipping field is set on at least one item, the item-level shipping fields (including shipping discount) are used for every item. -999999 - 999999
giftWrap number Gift wrap cost for this item. The Api prefers to use item-level gift wrap fields. If the item-level gift wrap field is set on at least one item, the item-level gift wrap fields (including gift wrap discount) are used for every item. -999999 - 999999
discount number Total discount on this item. If the item-level item discount field is set on at least one item, the item-level item discount fields are used for every item. Usually negative for sales, positive for refunds. -999999 - 999999
trackingNumber string The number to track the package. ≤ 50 chars
sourceItemNumber string The number of the item from the source platform within the order, e.g. when the source platform on the order object is Plentymarkets, the sourceItemNumber is set to the ID of the OrderItem of Plentymarkets. Is ignored if the source object is unset or the source transaction number is empty. ≤ 500 chars
channelItemNumber string The number of the item from the channel platform within the order, e.g. when the channel platform on the order object is ebay, the channelItemNumber is set to the lineItemId of ebay. ≤ 500 chars
amazonFulfillmentCenterId string The code of the amazon fulfillment center for FBA orders. Use this field if the order items where sent from different FBA warehouses. If this field is provided, the order´s sender address is ignored (but still required). This field is deprecated, please use senderAddress. ≤ 4 chars
fulfillmentCenter FulfillmentCenter The fulfillment center. Use this field if the order items where sent from different FBA warehouses. If this field is provided, the order´s sender address is ignored (but still required). This field is deprecated, please use senderAddress.
senderAddress SenderAddress The address from which the order item was shipped. Is preferred over the order-level sender address.
purchasePrice number The purchase price per item. Must be positive ≥0
sentDate string The date and time where the items were shipped. Use RFC3339 format. Is used in preference of the order-level sentDate. format date-time
taxCollected number The amount of tax collected by the marketplace, if applicable. The API prefers item-level fields. If the item-level value is set on one of the items, the order-level value is ignored. Usually positive for sales, and negative for refunds. -999999 - 999999
invoiceNumber string The number of the invoice. Is preferred over the order-level invoice. Only supply if there are multiple invoices for an order. ≤ 50 chars
invoiceDate string The date and time where the invoice was sent. Use RFC3339 format. Is preferred over the order-level invoice date. Only supply if there are multiple invoices for an order. format date-time
marketplaceCountry string The country of the marketplace in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. Is preferred over the order-level marketplace country. format iso-country and 2 chars


  "period": "2021-Q4",
  "reportCountry": "DE",
  "countryOfTaxation": "ES"
  "period": "2021-Q4",
  "reportCountry": "DE",
  "countryOfTaxation": "FR",
  "initialTaxAmount": 123.45

Describes a single entry of an initial tax amount for OSS corrections.

Field Type Description Constraints
period string The year and quarter to which this amount is referring to. format year-quarter
reportCountry string The country for which the OSS report this entry refers to is generated. format vat-id-country
countryOfTaxation string The country of taxation to which this particular amount is referring to format vat-id-country
initialTaxAmount number The latest reported tax amount for the given countryOfTaxation. If missing in the GET request, this amount is missing and you should populate it. Required for POST requests. -9999999 - 9999999


  "dateOfApplication": "2021-08-05T14:03:55Z"
  "from": "2022-01",
  "dateOfApplication": "2022-01-05T14:03:55Z"

Describes a registration for the One-Stop-Shop of the European Union. The country is always the country of residence of the merchant.

Field Type Description Constraints
from string In case there are multiple registrations, this shows from when this registration is valid to be used for OSS filing. If not provided, the lower bound is always the introduction of the OSS (2021-07). format period
to string In case there are multiple registrations, this shows until when this registration is valid to be used for OSS filing. format period
dateOfApplication string The date of application to use the OSS. format date


  "identifier": "EBY",
  "transactionNumber": "31415926",
  "itemNumber": "1234345"

Describes platform-specific data that belongs to a transaction or order. The platform can be a marketplace like Amazon, an ERP-Software you are using or your own Webshop

Field Type Description Constraints
identifier string The identifier of the platform. See Platform Abbreviations for possible values. format alphanumeric and 2-10 chars
transactionNumber string The identifier for the transaction on this platform. If the transaction is a refund or return, use the id of the underlying order. 1-100 chars
refundNumber string If the transaction is a refund, put in the refund identifier here. ≤ 100 chars
returnNumber string If the transaction is a return, put in the return identifier here. ≤ 100 chars
itemNumber string The number of the item within the transaction. Only applies if this platform object belongs to a transaction object. Use sourceItemNumber and channelItemNumber for orders and refunds on the item level. ≤ 100 chars
itemPosition integer An additional number to differentiate between different order items with identical ids. Use this only and only if there is no other way to differentiate two separate order items. This occurred only on Amazon so far. This field is ignored on the channel platform if a source platform is set. Only applies to POST /transactions. When using the POST /orders call, the API detects rows with the same id and assigns this field itself starting from 0. Default 0. 0 - 32767


An account to be linked to the client to create. Either email or id must be provided.

Field Type Description Constraints
id integer The ID of an existing account. ≥1
email string The email address of the account to create. format email
language string The language of the account. Defaults to de. Only considered if the account needs to be created, i.e. id being absent. en, de
permissionLevel string The permission level of the new link. There must be exactly one owner account per client. Owner accounts have the same permissions as employee accounts, but can additionally manage permissions. Taxadvisor accounts have a reduced set of permissions. owner, employee, taxadvisor


The company address type for the create client request

Field Type Description Constraints
street string Street field of the address. 3-200 chars
zip string Postal code 2-15 chars
city string City 3-100 chars
state string State 0-50 chars
country string Country as 2-letter ISO-3166 code format iso-country and 2 chars


Data about the client to create

Field Type Description Constraints
legalName string The legal name of the new client. 5-500 chars
alternativeClientNumber string An alternative client number that identifies that client in your system. 1-200 chars
companyAddress PostClientAddress The residence address of the company.
entityType string The company type. For german companies, examples are: "GmbH" and "UG" for legal entities, "KG" and "GbR" for partnership and "e.K." for natural. natural, legal, partnership, partnership_complementary
countryOfBirth string The country of birth of the natural person as 2-letter ISO-3166 code. Should be provided if the entityType is "natural". format iso-country and 2 chars
dateOfBirth string The date of birth of the natural person. Should be provided if the entityType is "natural". format date
firstName string The first name of the natural person. Is required if the entityType is "natural". 2-500 chars
lastName string The last name of the natural person. Is required if the entityType is "natural". 2-500 chars
phoneNumber string The contact phone number of the new client. 5-50 chars
gender string The gender of the natural person. Is required if the entityType is "natural". male, female, other
addons Addon[] The addons that should be activated from the start. ≤50
requestedRegistrations RequestedRegistration[] The VAT registrations that Taxdoo should perform. ≤20
registrations PostClientRegistration[] The VAT registrations of this client. 0-100
accounts PostClientAccount[] The (login-)accounts the new client should be linked to. To link an existing account, supply the id of it. To create a new account, supply an email address. This array must contain exactly one account with the permission level owner. 1-50
warehouses PostClientWarehouse[] The warehouse addresses of this client. Must contain exactly one warehouse with isStandard set to true. 1-10
estimatedMonthlyGmv integer The estimated monthly GMV (Gross Merchandise Volume) in EUR. Is used as a fallback to determine the base package size. If not provided, a value of 100.000 is assumed. 1000 - 999999999
basePackage string The base package for the new client. If not provided, the professional package is used. starter, professional, premium


Information about a financial registration in an EU country.

Field Type Description Constraints
country string The country code of the country the registration belongs to. format iso-country
vatId string The VAT ID in this country format vat-id
taxNumber string The tax number. 3-50 chars
registrationDate string The date of registration. format date
taxOfficeNumber string A number identifying the responsible tax office in this country.
intrastatMaterialNumber string The Intrastat material number. Currently only applies to Germany. 2-20 chars
intrastatDistinctionNumber string The Intrastat distinction number. Currently only applies to Germany. 2-20 chars
eoriNumber string The EORI number of the client. Is issued for customs purposes, and sometimes required for Intrastat. See 4-17 chars


Warehouse address for creating a client.

Field Type Description Constraints
street string Street field of the address. 3-200 chars
zip string Postal code 2-15 chars
city string City 3-100 chars
state string State 0-50 chars
country string Country as 2-letter ISO-3166 code format iso-country and 2 chars
isStandard boolean True if this warehouse address should be used as the standard (fallback) warehouse. Every client must have exactly 1 standard warehouse. This warehouse is used as fallback address for inbound movements into FBA warehouses and for sales transactions where we cannot get warehouse information (e.g. from ebay). true or false


  "description": "Sessel in rot",
  "productIdentifier": "redcouch123",
  "commodityCode": "9394240000",
  "purchasePrice": 330.3,
  "currency": "EUR"

Describes a product offered in your shop.

Field Type Description Constraints
id integer An unique id for the entry issued by Taxdoo. Is ignored on POST /products requests. ≥1
productIdentifier string An identifier that identifies the product, e.g. your SKU. You are strongly encouraged to use the same product identifier for the same product across all channels. format only-printable and ≤ 50 chars
commodityCode string The Customs Tariff Number of the product. 8-10 chars
purchasePrice number The purchase price per item of this product. Must be positive ≥0
weight Weight The weight of this product
supplementaryUnit SupplementaryUnit The supplementary unit for Intrastat.
currency string The currency of the purchase_price as 3-digit ISO-4217 code. Defaults to 'EUR'. We only support currencies for which the European Central Bank provides reference exchange rates. See EUR, AUD, BGN, BRL, CAD, CHF, CNY, CZK, DKK, GBP, HKD, HRK, HUF, IDR, ILS, INR, ISK, JPY, KRW, MXN, MYR, NOK, NZD, PHP, PLN, RON, RUB, SEK, SGD, THB, TRY, USD, ZAR
description string A title describing the product. ≤ 1000 chars
countryOfOrigin string The manufacturing country of the product. format iso-country-optional and 2 chars
invalidCommodityCode boolean True if the given commodity code is invalid. Issued only by Taxdoo. true or false
updated string The time where the purchase price was updated. Only returned on GET /products format date-time


  "productIdentifier": "sku1234",
  "rates": [
      "country": "DE",
      "rateType": "reduced_rate_1"

Provides the tax rate for each country for a product based on the productIdentifier. The CountryTaxRate objects inside the rates array also contain proposals for tax rates based on the commodity code of the product.

Field Type Description Constraints
productIdentifier string Identifier of the Product, e.g. your SKU format only-printable and ≤ 50 chars
commodityCode string The commodity code of the product. Ignored on any POST request.
description string A title describing the article. Ignored on any POST request. ≤ 1000 chars
rates CountryTaxRate[] Array of tax rate and country pairs. 1-100


  "channel": {
    "identifier": "EBY",
    "transactionNumber": "63231231",
    "refundNumber": "112344"
  "source": {
    "identifier": "PLTY",
    "transactionNumber": "7812372138",
    "refundNumber": "65831122"
  "paymentDate": "2017-04-05T14:03:55Z",
  "transactionCurrency": "EUR",
  "marketplaceCountry": "DE",
  "items": [
      "quantity": 5,
      "description": "Green biscuits Premium",
      "itemPrice": -50.2,
      "discount": 5.2,
      "channelItemNumber": "22342",
      "sourceItemNumber": "2843928"
      "quantity": 1,
      "description": "Charcoal 5kg",
      "itemPrice": -19.99,
      "channelItemNumber": "72384",
      "sourceItemNumber": "2843929"

A refund with one or multiple refund items. Please note that monetary amounts should be negative for refunds.

Field Type Description Constraints
channel Platform The platform where the transaction was done, e.g. Amazon.
source Platform The platform from which the data originated, e.g. Plentymarkets.
paymentDate string The date and time of the payment. Use RFC3339 format. format date-time
items RefundItem[] The array of RefundItems of this Refund. At least one item must be provided. ≥1
transactionCurrency string The currency of the order as 3-digit ISO-4217 code. All monetary amounts must have this currency. ≤ 3 chars
totalDiscount number Total discount. Will be ignored if itemDiscount is set on one of the items. Is distributed proportionally across the order items otherwise. Usually positive (because it reduces the refund). -999999 - 999999
shipping number Total shipping cost. Will be ignored if shipping is set on one of the items. Is distributed proportionally across the order items otherwise. -999999 - 999999
giftWrap number Total gift wrap cost. Will be ignored if giftWrap is set on one of the items. Is distributed proportionally across the order items otherwise. -999999 - 999999
adjustmentAmount number Any other amount that does not fit into the other field's descriptions. -999999 - 999999
invoiceNumber string The number of the invoice. ≤ 50 chars
invoiceDate string The date and time where the invoice was sent. Use RFC3339 format. format date-time
invoiceUrl string A path were the invoice document is reachable. ≤ 150 chars
paymentChannel string The payment channel, e.g. paypal ≤ 50 chars
paymentNumber string The payment number. ≤ 100 chars
taxCollector string The party who collects taxes, if applicable. If empty, it is automatically determined by us. seller, marketplace
taxCollected number The amount of tax collected by the marketplace, if applicable. The API prefers item-level fields. If the item-level value is set on one of the items, the refund-level value is ignored. Usually negative. -999999 - 999999
marketplaceCountry string The country of the marketplace in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format format iso-country and 2 chars


  "quantity": 5,
  "description": "Green biscuits Premium",
  "itemPrice": -50.2,
  "channelItemNumber": "22342",
  "sourceItemNumber": "2843928",
  "marketplaceCountry": "DE"

A refund item within a refund. Either sourceItemNumber or channelItemNumber is required (please provide them accordingly to the source and channel objects on the refund). Please note that monetary amounts should be negative for refunds.

Field Type Description Constraints
quantity integer The quantity of the item of this transaction. If the quantity is zero, we will insert the order, but not use it for vat calculation. ≥0
weight Weight The weight of the item (means weight per item multiplied with quantity).
description string A title describing the article. ≤ 1000 chars
itemPrice number The total price of items of this transaction. This equals to the price per item multiplied with the quantity. -9999999 - 9999999
discount number Total discount on this item. If the item-level item discount field is set on at least one item, the item-level item discount fields are used for every item. Usually positive (because it reduces the refund). -999999 - 999999
shipping number Shipping cost for this item. The Api prefers to use item-level shipping fields. If the item-level shipping field is set on at least one item, the item-level shipping fields (including shipping discount) are used for every item. -999999 - 999999
giftWrap number Gift wrap cost for this item. The Api prefers to use item-level gift wrap fields. If the item-level gift wrap field is set on at least one item, the item-level gift wrap fields (including gift wrap discount) are used for every item. -999999 - 999999
taxCollected number The amount of tax collected by the marketplace, if applicable. The API prefers item-level fields. If the item-level value is set on one of the items, the refund-level value is ignored. Usually negative. -999999 - 999999
trackingNumber string The number to track the package. ≤ 50 chars
sourceItemNumber string The number of the item from the source platform within the order, e.g. when the source platform on the order object is Plentymarkets, the sourceItemNumber is set to the ID of the OrderItem of Plentymarkets. Is ignored if the source object is unset or the source transaction number is empty. ≤ 500 chars
channelItemNumber string The number of the item from the channel platform within the order, e.g. when the channel platform on the order object is ebay, the channelItemNumber is set to the lineItemId of ebay. ≤ 500 chars
itemPosition integer An additional number to differentiate between different items with identical ids. Use this only and only if there is no other way to differentiate two separate refund items. Default 0. ≥0
invoiceNumber string The number of the invoice. Is preferred over the refund-level invoice. Only supply if there are multiple documents for a refund. ≤ 50 chars
invoiceDate string The date and time where the invoice was sent. Use RFC3339 format. Is preferred over the refund-level invoice date. Only supply if there are multiple documents for a refund. format date-time
marketplaceCountry string The country of the marketplace in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. Is preferred over the refund-level marketplace country. format iso-country and 2 chars


Information about a requested registration.

Field Type Description Constraints
country string The country for this registration PL, CZ, AT, IT, BE, NL, FR, LU, ES, GB, SE, DE


  "fullName": "John Doe",
  "street": "Westring 32",
  "zip": "987654",
  "city": "München",
  "state": "Bayern",
  "country": "DE"

Represents an address e.g. of a warehouse. Either id, amazonFulfillmentCenterId, fulfillmentCenter, or a set of zip, state and country are required when used as senderAddress on a /orders or /transactions resource.

Field Type Description Constraints
id integer The id of this address. Is ignored on POST /warehouses. If this is provided on /transactions or /orders, all other fields are ignored.
fullName string The full name of the address owner. ≤ 100 chars
street string Street field of the address. ≤ 200 chars
zip string Postal code 3-10 chars
city string City ≤ 100 chars
state string State ≤ 50 chars
country string Country as 2-letter ISO-3166 code format iso-country and 2 chars
amazonFulfillmentCenterId string The code of the amazon fulfillment center for FBA orders. If this is provided on /transactions or /orders, all other fields are ignored. Will be deprecated in the future in favor of fulfillmentCenter. ≤ 4 chars
fulfillmentCenter FulfillmentCenter The fulfillment center. Use this field if the order items where sent from different FBA warehouses. If this field is provided, the order´s sender address is ignored (but still required). This field is the successor of amazonFulfillmentCenterId.
isStandard boolean True if this is set as the standard warehouse. Only one standard warehouse per merchant allowed. Is only considered on calls to /warehouses. true or false


  "status": "success"
  "status": "fail",
  "errors": [
      "level": "error",
      "message": "unknown order id 13454589"

Describes a simple payload for a response.

Field Type Description Constraints
status string Status of the API call. Can be either "success" or "fail". success, fail
errors LogMessage[] An Array of warnings and errors that appeared during the operation. Only appears if the API wants to tell you something.
message string Other error information. Can only appear when status is "fail".


  "value": 0.7,
  "unit": "LTR"

Represents a supplementary unit for Intrastat along with its value.

Field Type Description Constraints
value number The numerical value. ≥0
unit string The unit of the supplementary unit. ZZZ, CTM, NCL, CCT, GRM, GFI, KGM, KCC, KNS, KPO, KPH, KMA, KGE, KSD, KNI, KSH, KPP, KUR, NAR, NPR, CEN, MIL, MWH, LTR, LPA, KLT, MTR, MTK, MTQ, MTC, TJO


  "type": "Sale",
  "channel": {
    "identifier": "EBY",
    "transactionNumber": "31415926",
    "itemNumber": "1234345"
  "source": {
    "identifier": "PLTY",
    "transactionNumber": "7812378",
    "itemNumber": "9823490"
  "paymentDate": "2017-04-05T14:03:55Z",
  "sentDate": "2017-04-05T14:35:41Z",
  "deliveryAddress": {
    "fullName": "John Johnson",
    "street": "Wall Street 3",
    "zip": "12345",
    "city": "Kings Landing",
    "state": "",
    "country": "DE"
  "billingAddress": {
    "fullName": "Frank Smith",
    "street": "Ocean Drive 22",
    "zip": "12345",
    "city": "London",
    "state": "",
    "country": "PL"
  "senderAddress": {
    "fullName": "Mustershop24",
    "street": "Westring 32",
    "zip": "987654",
    "city": "München",
    "state": "Bayern",
    "country": "DE"
  "quantity": 2,
  "productIdentifier": "sku123",
  "description": "T-Shirt white",
  "transactionCurrency": "EUR",
  "itemPrice": 59.8,
  "paymentChannel": "paypal",
  "paymentNumber": "123456789",
  "marketplaceCountry": "DE"

Describes a Transaction with one article (which can have a quantity greater than one). For sales, one of paymentDate and sentDate is required. For refunds, the paymentDate is required, and the sentDate is ignored.

Field Type Description Constraints
id integer Our internal id for the transaction. Do not use this param in POST /transactions requests.
type string The type of this transaction. Sale, Refund
channel Platform The platform where the transaction was done, e.g. Amazon.
source Platform The platform from which the data originated, e.g. Plentymarkets.
paymentDate string The date and time of the payment. Use RFC3339 format. format date-time
sentDate string The date and time where the items were shipped. Use RFC3339 format. format date-time
arrivalDate string The date and time of arrival. Use RFC3339 format. format date-time
deliveryAddress Address The delivery address.
billingAddress Address The billing address.
senderAddress SenderAddress The address from which the order was shipped
buyerVatNumber string The VAT number of the buyer. If provided and valid (checked by regex), we process the transaction as B2B transaction. ≤ 15 chars
quantity integer The quantity of the item of this transaction. ≥0
weight number The weight of the whole package in kg. Must be positive. ≥0
productIdentifier string An identifier that identifies the product, e.g. your SKU. You are strongly encouraged to use the same product identifier for the same product across all channels. format only-printable and ≤ 50 chars
description string A title describing the article. ≤ 250 chars
commodityCode string The Customs Tariff Number of the product. ≤ 10 chars
transactionCurrency string The currency of the order as 3-digit ISO-4217 code. All monetary amounts of this transaction must have this currency. 3 chars
itemPrice number The total price of items of this transaction. This equals to the price per item multiplied with the quantity. -9999999 - 9999999
shipping number Total shipping cost. -999999 - 999999
giftWrap number Total gift wrap cost. -999999 - 999999
totalDiscount number The total discount. Usually negative for sales, positive for refunds. -999999 - 999999
adjustmentAmount number Any other amount that does not fit into the other field's descriptions. -999999 - 999999
totalValue number The total value of this transaction. Equals the sum of all other monetary amount fields. Is returned only from the GET /transactions call. Is ignored if you provide it in any call.
purchasePrice number The purchase price per item. Must be positive ≥0
trackingNumber string The number to track the package. ≤ 50 chars
invoiceNumber string The number of the invoice. ≤ 50 chars
invoiceDate string The date and time where the invoice was sent. Use RFC3339 format. format date-time
invoiceUrl string A path were the invoice document is reachable. ≤ 100 chars
inserted string The date and time where the row was inserted into our database. Only used in the GET /transactions call. Has RFC3339 format. format date-time
isValid boolean Only appears in GET /transactions responses. If this field is false, the transaction is invalid and not considered in vat calculation, e.g. when the totalValue equals zero. Despite this, we keep such transactions for completeness in our database. true or false
results TransactionTaxInfo An object containing the results. Only appears in the response of GET /transactions requests when the with_results=true query param is set.
transportMode integer Mode of Transport for Intrastat. You can find possible values here: (Section 5.1 field 11). 1 - 9
paymentChannel string The payment channel, e.g. paypal ≤ 50 chars
paymentNumber string The payment number. ≤ 100 chars
taxCollector string The party who collects taxes, if applicable. If empty, it is automatically determined by us. seller, marketplace
taxCollected number The amount of tax collected by the marketplace, if applicable. -999999 - 999999
marketplaceCountry string The country of the marketplace in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format format iso-country and 2 chars


  "country": "DE",
  "currency": "EUR",
  "time": "2018-05-31T23:45:27.000Z",
  "exchangeRate": 1,
  "rateType": "standard_rate",
  "rateValue": 19,
  "net": 20.96,
  "vat": 3.98

Tax information for a transaction. Note that the information in this object is calculated by us and not modifiable.

Field Type Description Constraints
country string The country where this transaction is taxable.
currency string The currency of the tax country.
time string The tax date. format date-time
exchangeRate number The applied exchange rate.
rateType string The vat rate type that was applied to this transaction.
rateValue number The applied vat rate value according to the rate type.
net number The net value.
vat number The VAT value.
calculatedTime string The date-time of the calculation. format date-time


  "value": 0.432,
  "unit": "kg"

Represents an weight value paired with an unit.

Field Type Description Constraints
value number The numerical value. ≥0
unit string The unit of the weight. kg, lbs, g

HTTP Status Codes

The Taxdoo API responds with the following HTTP status codes:

Status Code Meaning
200 OK -- Authentication and request succeeded
400 Bad Request. Inspect the response for more information.
401 Unauthorized - Authentication failed, please check if you provided the AuthToken header.
403 Forbidden - Please check the API key, the URL and your permissions.
404 Not found - Your request path is wrong
405 Method not allowed - You used a wrong HTTP method in the resource. Check the Allow response header for allowed methods.
429 Too Many Requests - Please turn off your DOS tool or adjust it to respect our rate limits.
500 Internal Server Error - Sorry, something went wrong. Usually transient errors. Contact us if this happens too often.
502 Internal Error - Contact us if this happens too often.
503 Service Unavailable - Our API is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.
504 Gateway Timeout - Please try again later.

Platform Abbreviations

For Taxdoo to correctly evaluate marketplace transactions, it is mandatory that you provide our specified abbreviations for the platforms marked as marketplaces as platform identifier. If you want to provide transactions for a marketplace that is not listed below, please leave us a message under For all non-marketplace transactions, you can use our suggestions or chose your own abbreviations.

Platform Abbreviation Marketplace
AbeBooks ABE yes
Actindo ACT
Afterbuy ABY
Allegro ALG yes
Allyouneed AYN
Amazon (unknown fulfillment) AMZ yes
Amazon Commingling AFN_C yes
Billbee BLB BIL BOL yes
Cdiscount CDIS yes
Check24 C24 yes
doyoo DOY
DreamRobot DR
eBay EBY yes
Elmar / elm@r ELM
Etsy ETSY yes FSH
For Vegans FVE yes
Fulfillment by Amazon AFN yes
Fulfillment by Merchant (Amazon) MFN yes GALAX
Gimahhot GIM
Google Products GPR GST
Hitmeister HIT
Home24 H24
Idealo IDE yes
Immaculate Vegan IMV yes
Kaufland KAUF yes
Kauflux KLX yes
Kelkoo KEL
laary LAR
Lenando LEN yes MANO
Manual Input MAN
Newsletter NWS
Onbuy ONB yes
Otto OTTO yes
Own webshop WEB
Paypal PYPL
Plentymarkets PLTY
Point of Sale POS
Preisroboter PRT
Quelle QUE
Rakuten RAK REAL yes
Ricardo RIC yes
Shopgate SGT
Shopify SFY
Shop like you give a damn SLGD yes
Shopping24 S24
ShopShare SHR
Shopware5 SWR5
Shopware6 SWR6
TM3 Logistiksoftware TM3
TradeTracker TRT
Unicorn (JTL) UNI
Yatego YAT yes
Zalando ZAL yes ZEN

Rate Types

The rate types necessary for setting the product rates. Please keep in mind that this list may not be up to date.

Country (ISO-3166) Rate Type Rate Value
AT standard_rate 20.00
AT parking_rate 13.00
AT reduced_rate_1 10.00
BE standard_rate 21.00
BE parking_rate 12.00
BE reduced_rate_1 12.00
BE reduced_rate_2 6.00
BE zero_rate 0.00
BG standard_rate 20.00
BG reduced_rate_1 9.00
CY standard_rate 19.00
CY reduced_rate_1 9.00
CY reduced_rate_2 5.00
CZ standard_rate 21.00
CZ reduced_rate_1 15.00
CZ reduced_rate_2 10.00
DE standard_rate 19.00
DE reduced_rate_1 7.00
DK standard_rate 25.00
DK zero_rate 0.00
EE standard_rate 20.00
EE reduced_rate_1 9.00
ES standard_rate 21.00
ES reduced_rate_1 10.00
ES super_reduced_rate 4.00
FI standard_rate 24.00
FI reduced_rate_1 14.00
FI reduced_rate_2 10.00
FI zero_rate 0.00
FR standard_rate 20.00
FR reduced_rate_1 10.00
FR reduced_rate_2 5.50
FR super_reduced_rate 2.10
GB standard_rate 20.00
GB reduced_rate_1 5.00
GB zero_rate 0.00
GR standard_rate 24.00
GR reduced_rate_1 13.00
GR reduced_rate_2 6.00
HR standard_rate 25.00
HR reduced_rate_1 13.00
HR reduced_rate_2 5.00
HU standard_rate 27.00
HU reduced_rate_1 18.00
HU reduced_rate_2 5.00
IE standard_rate 23.00
IE reduced_rate_1 13.50
IE parking_rate 13.50
IE reduced_rate_2 9.00
IE super_reduced_rate 4.80
IE zero_rate 0.00
IT standard_rate 22.00
IT reduced_rate_1 10.00
IT reduced_rate_2 5.00
IT super_reduced_rate 4.00
LT standard_rate 21.00
LT reduced_rate_1 9.00
LT reduced_rate_2 5.00
LU standard_rate 17.00
LU parking_rate 14.00
LU reduced_rate_1 8.00
LU super_reduced_rate 3.00
LV standard_rate 21.00
LV reduced_rate_1 12.00
LV reduced_rate_2 5.00
LV zero_rate 0.00
MT standard_rate 18.00
MT reduced_rate_1 7.00
MT reduced_rate_2 5.00
MT zero_rate 0.00
NL standard_rate 21.00
NL reduced_rate_1 9.00
PL standard_rate 23.00
PL reduced_rate_1 8.00
PL reduced_rate_2 5.00
PT standard_rate 23.00
PT parking_rate 13.00
PT reduced_rate_1 13.00
PT reduced_rate_2 6.00
RO standard_rate 19.00
RO reduced_rate_1 9.00
RO reduced_rate_2 5.00
SE standard_rate 25.00
SE reduced_rate_1 12.00
SE reduced_rate_2 6.00
SE zero_rate 0.00
SI standard_rate 22.00
SI reduced_rate_1 9.50
SK standard_rate 20.00
SK reduced_rate_1 10.00